Currently October 2017
Currently | 10.25.17
Watching | Game of Thrones
> Thank you Sling for having a free HBO weekend! We were half-way through re-watching Season 6 when Mr. Misadventures got an email announcing a free weekend of HBO for Sling subscribers. We power-watched the second half of Season 6 and binged watched Season 7 in 2 days. I thought I was going to have to wait until next year to see it, but I am all caught up.
Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Opinions are always my own and I’ll never promote something I don’t use or believe in. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Now we have been re-watching Marco Polo which I absolutely love. I am devastated that Netflix canceled the show due to high production costs. I know that if that if the writers had been aware that there wouldn't be a Season 3, they might have spent less time developing backstories on everyone and focused more on Marco Polo. Such a shame!
Reading | The Girl in the Spider's Web
Well, Dan Brown's The Templars came out and I quickly scooped it up but I am still at the beginning of The Girl in the Spider's Web as I have had ZERO time to read. I hope to remedy that once we are settled into our house. If nothing else, I am going to have to do some serious power-reading on the plane to Paris at Christmas!
Working On | The house.
> Mr. Misadventures did most of the prepping, but we had carpets pulled in 4 rooms and tile put down (would love to have wood floors, but Arizona has serious termites, who knew?); the whole house was repainted, all new appliances were put in and now we are unpacking. Well technically, we've unpacked, this is the first week living in the house, so we are getting settled in and re-organizing.
Feeling | Grounded
> So much bad stuff happened the second week of October that I just want to quietly count my blessings. A friend passed away, another friend's brother was killed in a motorcycle accident, friends and co-workers were evacuated or lost their homes in the California wine country fires, and my boss got laid off, which always makes one nervous… I'm hoping for better weeks but also understand that this is just life. It's how we move on that matters.
Planning | A site redesign
> Finally. It's been a long time since I made any significant design changes and as I continue through my ninth year and look into the tenth, Mr. Misdaventures and I have big plans to focus more on the blog. I am working with someone I feel comfortable with and the process won't be rushed, so you won't see anything until January 2018, but it's happening!
Loving | That I made my weight goal!
> I had a weight loss goal and a stretch goal, can't help it, I am a type-A corporate gal… I made it to my stretch goal. I lost 35 pounds in a little less than 5 months. I weigh less than I did in my 30's, less than I did in most of my 20's and I feel great! Mr. Misadventures still has a bit to go so I will be continuing to eat the same way in support of him. I think one of the biggest success factors was doing our lifestyle change together. Once we have both reached our weight goals, we'll figure out how to balance our desired weight with adding in more carbs.
My Favorite Photo | Balloon Ascension.

The post is coming to you tomorrow! The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta was an amazing-must-do-at-least-once-in-your-life-but-really-go-every-year experience. You can write about the experience, you can capture the activities, on camera, but you truly can't understand it unless you are standing in the middle of it all.
What was going on back then | From the archives.
- From 1 year ago: Weekly Wanderings #41 – Red Bay
- From 2 years ago: Palate to Palette – Culinary Inspirations with #ExperienceBuick
- From 3 years ago: Friday Foodie – Stephie of Stephie Cooks
- From 4 years ago: Tourist in My Town – San Francisco Coastal Trail
- From 5 years ago: Traveler Tuesday – Kristin Luna of Camels & Chocolate (still one of my favorite gals!)
- From 6 years ago: He said, She Said: F U Foie Gras Dinner at Laftitte San Francisco
- From 7 years ago: J'adore #25
- From 8 years ago: Paris Bloggers Rule!
- From 9 years ago: American Food in Paris
What is CURRENTLY going on with you?
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I am currently preparing for the birth of my third-born. I am also finishing up a couple reviews that I need to complete.
Congratulations on hitting your weight goal! That is so fantastic. I need to lose 20 – I put them on this year when I cut back on working out, have been eating WAY too much, AND I’m now 45. Maybe some of your good juju can rub off on me??
@Erica, sending juju your way. I can tell you at 47 (close to 48) I don’t want to go through this again, so I am doing my best to keep it off!
I’m SO proud of you on the weight loss! We’ve been veggie for almost three weeks now but I’m afraid to weigh (minimal carbs, but still alcohol). Over here, we’re loving Narcos and probably going to watch The Fall when done with that one.
@Kristin, I hope you lose what you want. I have leery of all veggies just because I know a lot of them have lots of carbs (even if veggies are good for you!) but I think it is a matter of finding what works best for you.
Congrats on hitting your weight goal! I’m currently working overtime to finish a bunch of extra projects that came in this month and looking forward to November when things will be back to normal.
@Nellwyn, good luck with your projects.
35 lbs in 5 months is fantastic! I need to do the same – please share how you did it!
@Scott, we used Atkins as a guide for counting carbs and focused on low carb, high protein foods.
Oh wow! 35lbs in 5 months is a great thing to achieve! WOW! Good job. Congrats!
Sounds like you had a great October. Congrats on the 35 lbs!
How fun! My hubby and I binged watched GOT in two nights too lol Love that show. I haven’t heard of Marco Polo though. I hate it when shoes get canceled!
@Marielle, don’t start Marco Polo, you will only end up being upset!
What yo’re currently doing sounds great, what is even better is the fact that you met some important goals you had for yourself
Once my hubby & I were finally alone after years of having a child and a sick friend we took care of we went into our healthy eating journey together. There is NO way we could have done this with others not willing to participate! Congrats on your loss! I have lost just over 50 lbs in 2 yrs but not by dieting- we just eat fresh, real food, I no longer buy beef or pork, added sugar cut to a minimum, & going light on carbs.
@Mindi, that’s awesome and I bet that feels great!
I finally found a part time job for the holiday season so I will be able to pay my University taxes (a part of it, at least) by myself. My family is struggling with some money and healthy issues, but I’m positive we’ll be able to get over it!
Nice to see so much stuff is happening in oct for you. Great updates
How exciting about being able to catch up on Game of Thrones! I love the show but am so darn far behind. Ugh. We recently pulled the carpets in our home and it was a lot of work, kudos to you both!