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Yellowstone National Park (Part 2)

Our first couple of days in Yellowstone National Park were exciting. Bears and bison and more bears and bison! And babies!

yellowstone national park bus
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

But there is a lot more wildlife to see.

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Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

Like elk.

yellowstone national park elk
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

We definitely saw more elk in Grand Teton, so when we spotted them in Yellowstone, we stopped.

yellowstone national park elk
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

There were beautiful white pelicans. Isn't this couple adorable?

yellowstone national park white pelicans
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

And pronghorn deer. (We saw a lot of these while in Bryce Canyon.)

yellowstone national park pronghorn deer
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

And regular deer. I love the fur on this guy's ears!

yellowstone national park deer
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

But, quite frankly, the “other parts” of Yellowstone National Park are amazing.

It really is an amusement park.

Gurgling mud in the paint pots.

yellowstone national park bubblig mud
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

A water show with the geysers.

Yellowstone National Park Lower Geyser Basin

Steam works.

Yellowstone National Park Lower Geyser Basin

Boiling mud that looks like a melted milk chocolate treat.

yellowstone national park bubbling mud 5
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

And oh the colors!

Yellowstone National Sapphire Pool at Biscuit Basin
Sapphire Pool at Biscuit Basin

I cannot wrap my head around the hot steam coming out of, or next to, the river. Especially with spring snow runoff. How is Mother Nature doing that? And flowers growing next to geyser openings? How?!

Yellowstone National Park Black Diamond Pool at Biscuit Basin
Black Diamond Pool at Biscuit Basin

After a couple of mornings of wildlife viewing, Wednesday morning we were back at landscapes for a sunrise shoot on Madison River just inside the West Yellowstone gate.

yellowstone national park madison river sunrise
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

I was less on bear watch and more on bison watch given their proclivity to suddenly appear at the worst times!

Afterward we had a lovely breakfast along Yellowstone River before heading to Yellowstone Lake for a drive. We had visited Yellowstone Lake on the evening we arrived and much of the lake's edges were still frozen over.

yellowstone national park yellowstone lake frozen
Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

But after two days of warmish weather, the ice melted and left us with a gorgeous blue.

yellowstone national park yellowstone lake andi

Just a few moments after taking the photo above, as we were continuing along Yellowstone Lake, we spotted this guy, a huge grizzly bear walking along the beach. Bears (and bison) are literally everywhere…even the beach!

yellowstone national park yellowstone lake grizzly

On Thursday morning, I finally cried uncle and needed a little more sleep, so Mr. Misadventures went off to Lamar Valley on his own. Of course, that's the morning he spotted a grizzly up-close!

yellowstone national park grizzly 2

I was kind of bummed because I wanted to see one closer than the one we saw on the beach. That's what I get for a couple of hours of additional sleep!

Sadly, on Friday, one week after leaving Grand Teton, we had to say goodbye to this amazing Yellowstone National Park and head back to Phoenix. I had not expected to enjoy this park so much and now I want to explore every corner. We will definitely return, for sure in May again as well as having our eye on February.

A few things to note about visiting Yellowstone:

> Pack a picnic lunch. The park is so huge it takes a long time to get to different points of interest and there are limited facilities so the best thing to do is to enjoy each day to the fullest without leaving the park. That means packing your meals in. There are picnic spots and lots of turnouts with great views to enjoy your food.

> Drive with caution. Not only are there animals everywhere, but also people drive very erratically when they see them!

> Bring or buy bear spray. It really is a must. If you are flying in, you’ll have to purchase some once you arrive. You can buy it in the park (and actually the pricing is the same as what we saw on Amazon) and you can donate it for the rangers to use when you leave.

How about you? Have you visited Yellowstone National Park? Did you enjoy the natural wonders?

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yellowstone national park

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  1. Yellowstone National Park looks amazing, as well as the photography! I didn’t realize elk had fuzzy antlers or there was such a thing as bear spray. Thanks so much for sharing these images!

  2. Never want to yellow stone park but heard a lot of great things about it i live the photos very beautiful

  3. Linda Manns Linneman says:

    This looks beautiful. The animals are awesome. I never knew there was bear spray. I learned something today.

  4. Elizabeth O says:

    What an amazing place. I wish we had more Yellowstone Parks in this world so we won’t have to read about the tragedy that befalls animals in the wild and in zoos. Great photography too.

  5. Terry Poage says:

    This place looks amazing and beautiful.

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Maria, watch the crowds and be careful driving, go early in the day if you can.

  6. Cynthia W says:

    Great pics. I have fond memories of family vacations to Yellowstone. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I have been to Yellowstone twice in my life. I plan to take my kiddos there sometime in the nearish future. I really love all the natural wonders. Great photos!

  8. It looks just gorgeous! I’d love to be get that up close and personal with the wildlife & the scenery.

  9. Kristen from The Road to Domestication says:

    Yellowstone is definitely on our travel list! Waiting until the girls get a bit bigger so they can enjoy it more! Beautiful shots!

  10. Robert Grieco says:

    Beautiful Pix. Been to Yellowstone back in the 70’s with my parents and have some very nice memories.

  11. Terry Poage says:

    Your pictures make me want to go there so bad. I love the wildlife there.

  12. Wow, what a gorgeous place! Your pictures are amazing and really make me want to go there too! I am glad that there are still wildlife preservations like Yellow Stone. 🙂

  13. Terry Poage says:

    Such great pictures.

  14. Amanda McMahon says:

    I think it is a fun way to see wildlife without having animals caged up for our entertainment.

  15. The water show with the geysers is so beautiful! What an amazing thing to get the chance to witness! 🙂

  16. Cindy Saeger says:

    I have never been to Yellowstone but boy I would sure like to get there someday! I love all of the wildlife ♡

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Cindy, if you are into wildlife, this is the place to be!

  17. Stephanie says:

    I’ve never been, but your pictures are fantastic.

  18. I have never been, looks gorgeous! I have only seen the news articles about the sicknesses that where happening. I love your husbands photography.

  19. Olivine Eyes says:

    I’d skip the geysers just to look at the bison and those bears.

  20. Beautiful photos. I worked in three national parks and for wildlife viewing, Yellowstone was the best. Animals everywhere. That experience inspires my work of needle felt animal sculptures.