Oscars® Wednesday Report

I woke to sunshine today which meant things were going to be a lot smoother without the rain. I wandered around in the morning checking out the red carpet area to see what activities were taking place.
Today the rolling out of the red carpet was planned and I wanted to be on hand to check it out. I made a loop around the Hollywood and Highland shopping center taking a few shots here and there.
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Minute by minute the area around the shopping center and the theatre where the Oscars will be taking place on Sunday is getting cleaned up and glammed up in gold and red.
Here are some of the shots I took earlier in the day.
This is the backside of the red carpet bleacher area from the shopping center.

Bleachers from the side:

The bleachers from the non-credential side of the fence!

Because the theatre is in an active shopping center things have to be completed and then protected. The red carpet leading up to the theatre was put down today, but it is hidden below protective plastic.

Along the walls of the main area are the best pictures from each year the Academy Awards have taken place.

Who do you think is going to go in the slot for 2012?

I love the look of the golden curtain, it is spectacular.

Once I moved into the credentialed area I could see the preparations for the red carpet area taking place including setting up the press area for all the red carpet interviews.

Prepping the bleacher area (where I will be on Sunday).

The wind was whipping through here! I hope it warms up by Sunday, although with 200 people in place in those stands we'll have plenty of body heat going on!
Me sitting on the red carpet, it was planned to be rolled out at 6 PM unfortunately I had a conflict so I will have shots of it tomorrow.

The big Oscars (the guy hiding under the plastic…) started getting placed!

This guy ended up in the rotunda in front of the theatre.

I was “on assignment” to speak with foreign press about Oscar-viewing customs in other countries. After I spoke with a TV crew from Japan they decided to interview me! So if you are reading this from Japan, watch for me!

More tomorrow!
Photo info: The Oscars image is a fully paid for (by me) and licensed image from www.istockphoto.com.
Wow – if I had to have a job, your’s would certainly be a consideration!
@MD, it isn’t bad at all!
How cool! I never realized there was a shopping center there – of course, I haven’t been to LA in about 15+ years, so I’m not sure if they’re even still at the same place we saw then! I guess I should head out that way one of these days, huh? 🙂
@Megan, it is a pretty nice shopping center too.
Girl, you are sitting on the red carpet!!! I love these pictures. I just watched Gone with the Wind for the FIRST time last weekend.
@Paula, I love GWTW I actually didn’t see it until I was in my early 20’s myself.
I love this!!!! I keep telling you this, but you are so lucky! How cool, to sit on the rolled up red carpets!!!
Glad you have some sunshine. We’re in a blizzard here!
These reports are so fascinating… I especially loved your Grammy posts, as I’m a total Grammy nerd.
Glad you had better weather today.
I have to wonder if you ever sleep. Where do you get the time to read 400 blogs, check out Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, Facebook and Foodspotting, in addition to your job AND BLOGGING? Wow….that’s a lot of stuff!
So what exactly are you going to be doing at the Oscars?
Sigh. When Justin’s deployed I tend to watch old films like GWTW and My Fair Lady. Love ’em.
I don’t know why, but it’s SO strange seeing the red carpet all rolled up like that! Like seeing in person where the Eiffel Tower actually touches the ground – it’s not something you really imagine until there’s proof.
@Katie, I love the analogy with the Eiffel Tower, and it is so true!
Watching the Oscars right now, and they are wonderful!
Everyone should go to Hollywood at least once in their lives.