Currently July 2017

Currently | 7.31.17
I got this one in under the wire, but after 33 consecutive months, I didn't want to miss one! So much has happened in the last month that the thought of writing this post was nearly insurmountable. Bear with me, this edition of Currently is going to be a little longer than most.
Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Opinions are always my own and I’ll never promote something I don’t use or believe in. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
Watching | Scandal Season 6
> I can't help myself! I stopped loving it around season 4, but I keep going back to it. I hear season 7 is the last and I think that is probably a good decision. I am not watching Game of Thrones like the rest of the world but will be once the series is over and I can watch it all together. Seeing the summer movies as they come out as well: Dunkirk (hated); Valerian (liked) and next up is Atomic Blonde.
Reading | The Secret Wife.
> I've been reading in drips and drabs. I started The Secret Wife by Gill Paul last month but only read the first chapter. Near mid-July, I picked it back up and finished it in a few days. It's the alternate version of what might have happened to one of the Romanov princesses weaved in with a modern-day love story on the rocks. That's probably not the best explanation, but it is a very good book.
Working On | Getting settled in Phoenix.
> As I alluded to in Project Discover updates #19 and #20, we left Portland and moved to Phoenix. Portland just wasn't for us. I never thought Phoenix would be, but it turns out I was wrong. Sometimes you can search for something for a while only to have it be right in front of your face!
One thing we discovered during Project Escape is how much we love the Southwest (and I'm including Southern Utah in that). I may not love the heat, but I actually survived the week of 120 degrees and I am getting used to the hotter temperatures. If I can handle the summer, the rest of the year is a no brainer. We've even arrived during monsoon season and are getting spots of rain every couple of days which has been nice.
A few things about Phoenix that I didn't know:
– It is the 5th largest metro area in the United States and growing.
– You can talk on your cell phone while driving – crazy!
– You can walk into Starbucks wearing a gun – scary!
The vast majority of eating establishments in the immediate area I live in are franchises…yuck. It will be a challenge, one that I gladly take on, to find local restaurants. We did find dimsum and an international market in Tempe, but that's 45 minutes away. I'm hoping to explore closer to home.
Home being in the western part of the Phoenix suburbs, otherwise known as the Valley of the Sun. We are currently renting a small house while we search for a home to buy in the same area. Our new home will need to have an office as I am starting a new job!!!!!!!!! I will tell you more when I start, but it is a great remote position, so I can work from anywhere!
Feeling | Grateful.
> It took 5 months to find a job. I never really had to do a job search before. Throughout my career, I've been lucky enough to be referred to jobs by people I knew. And funnily enough, the new job I'll be starting soon came to me the same way. For all of you who are still out there beating the path to find a job, my best wishes to you, because it is not a fun or easy task. I am grateful to not be doing that anymore!
Planning | Misadventures with Andi 2.0.
> Big news! Mr. Misadventures is joining the Misadventures with Andi team. This past July was my 9-year blogiversary. I didn't really celebrate because there was too much going on, but it is something I am very proud of. As I approach my 10th year I have BIG plans for the blog and by adding to the team, I can make that happen. You are already familiar with the hubby's talents as a photographer, but now we are going to take it to the next level.
Loving | Indianapolis.
> The midwest blows my mind. First Detroit. Now Indy. I loved it the first time around when I attended the NCAA basketball championships and my second trip was even better. I visited because it was the host city for BlogHouse, check out my post on my impressions of Indy along with my fellow BlogHousers, I can't wait to go back!
I'm also just generally feeling great thanks to the lifestyle change Mr. Misadventures and I started. I've lost 27 pounds in almost 4 months and I've got a lot more energy. I have a few more pounds to go and will continue my low carb high protein diet to support Mr. Misadventures as he continues his weight loss journey. Once we are both where we want to be, we'll probably move to a Whole 30 or Paleo/Keto diet.
Given the temperatures in the Phoenix area, we have been getting up early and walking 5-6 miles a day. We are working our way up to 10. Afterward, we have a light breakfast and head to the community pool for laps and relaxation, and return home by 10. Now that I'm starting a new job, I'll fit it in before 9. We'll get the bikes cleaned up and explore some of the bike paths as well. Continuing a fitness routine will be an important part of maintaining our weight.
My Favorite Photo | Pool handstand.

> One of my favorite bloggers, Kristin Luna of Camels & Chocolates turns 10 this week! In tribute to her I did a handstand in the pool – if you follow Kristin on Instagram you will see she is quite fond of doing handstands in all sorts of places!
Odds & Ends | Check these out.
I'd love your support on the following projects:
- Check out my birding post and visit the Box Elder County website.
- Thank you for your continued support of my partnership with IHG Hotels, my latest posts were tacos in El Paso and music in Jacksonville – comments or social shares are greatly appreciated!
- My Traveler Tuesday series is back, check out my weekly traveler blogger series kicking off tomorrow. If you are interested in being interviewed, drop me a line at MisadventuresWithAndi AT gmail DOT com.
What is CURRENTLY going on with you?
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I have not read the Secret Wife yet. I love reading so I will pick this up. I am so happy you finally found a great job. Keep up the good work but make sure you take you time. God Bless
@Linda, thank you my dear!
Wow! Lots of changes for you! Congratulations on your move and the blog and your big weight loss. I’m on a low-carb/whole30 diet for health reasons and you’re right, so much more energy! Can’t wait to see what’s coming up for you!
@Cynthia, we’re going to be moving to a Whole 30 diet soon, I’ve got lots of recipes from your blog and others to guide me through!
July just flew by for me! I am hoping that August does not drag on and on like in some years. I am totally looking forward to cooler fall weather!
@Heather, I hear you! Fall is my favorite season!
Scandal is AWESOME. I didn’t start watching it until later, but thankfully Netflix helped me binge the first couple of seasons in one weekend.
@Robin, I love it when I discover a new series and I can binge watch several seasons on Netflix!
Good luck in all your adventures and congrats on the weight loss !!
@Kathy, thank you so much!
Congrats on the job and the weight loss!
@Lydie, merci!
I haven’t watched Scandal or read the Secret Wife yet. I guess I know what I am going to be doing the next couple of weeks. Thanks for sharing.
@Emily, I hope you enjoy them!
Looks like you had a pretty busy July! And congrats on the move. Glad you like Pheonix (but guns in Starbucks??). Our July was spent outdoors mostly, we’re having a fabulously warm summer 🙂
@Joline, July did just fly by, I don’t know where it went! So glad you were able to enjoy good weather, seems like the season has had its moments in certain parts of the country.
Congrats in the new job and move. We can talk on a cell phone while driving here too! — crazy but these are even crazier… You can walk into Starbucks wearing a gun – scary! The vast majority of eating establishments in the immediate area I live in are franchise. We have lots of those here too. Not many mom and pop establishments like where I grew up.
@Saidah, makes it even more rewarding when you do find a local restaurant to support, I will keep hunting!
Currently I am unpacking and trying to get through all the laundry in the house! I am also working like crazy! I am definitely trying to fit reading in as well!
OK ay so I love to read and the secret wife sounds like a book that I would seriously enjoy reading in the fall
Congratulations on the new job! You be so excited to start. You did have a very “colorful” July. Wishing you better and bigger opportunities this August. BTW, congratulations on your blog anniversary! 9 years! wow!
@Annemarie, thank you so much!
I’ve been wanting to go rewatch scandal from the beginning. I loved the first few seasons. THis past was good too!
Congratulations on 9 years for your blogging that’s excellent you should be so proud! Thank you for getting together with everyone for back to school shopping. You rock!
Oh it’s common once you get into s show with seasons your up at 5am trying to watch as much as you can LOL!
Never heard of scandal, thanks for sharing, definitely a crazy month for me. Hot summer!