
Currently August 2022

Currently | 8.31.22

Squeaking this one in on the very last day of August and good riddance. This just inches us that much closer to cooler weather and my trip to France 😉

This week is my father's birthday, it is the second one since he passed away last May and he was on my mind this week. Especially every time I eat an amazing North Carolina peach (which I often do in a salad with equally amazing North Carolina tomatoes) because he loved peaches but didn't get to try the ones I have locally here.

Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Opinions are always my own and I’ll never promote something I don’t use or believe in. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Now, onto August and what's been happening in the Misadventures world.

Watching | Vikings + Vikings Vahalla

This month was all about our Scandinavian friends who explored and raided the world! We started out by watching Vikings Vahalla which is well-filmed and has the potential to be really good. When we breezed through it, I mentioned to Mr. Misadventures that it was a spin-off of Vikings which I had tried to get him to watch when we lived in Phoenix.

tv with viking series

So in we dove into the whole Viking experience and we finished the entire 6 seasons this month. Loved the first 3.5 seasons, not so much the last 2.5, but when you are that far invested, you just have to finish! We really enjoyed The Last Kingdom which ties into these 2 series well.

On the French side, my favorite coroner, Alexandra Ehle appeared for 2 90-minute mini-movies on MHZ via Amazon. The main character is Julie Depardieu and she is fantastic in this role. And the last season of Chérif (also on MHz) was released and we are gobbling it up each week.

Can't Wait to Watch:

  • Top Gun Maverick – it's here! We have it now, but I have not watched it yet!
  • Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris – probably this weekend.

Reading | To Kill A Troubadour

Bruno is back! The latest edition of Martin Walker's Bruno chief of police series To Kill A Troubadour was published this month and I am halfway through. It is the 15th book in the series and I want to live in St Denis in the Périgord region of France with Bruno and Balzac and be their friends!

To Kill A Troubadour on ereader next to pile of books

After watching Viking Valhalla I am doing research on Emma of Normandy and bought the trilogy about her from Patricia Bracewell: Shadow on the Crown, The Price of Blood, and The Steel Beneath the Silk.

Also, one of the Airbnbs we rented in Normandy is called La Maison de Charlotte/Charlotte's House because of its association with Charlotte Corday. That reminded me of my Parisian pal Sarah Towle's app, Beware Mme (Madame) la Guillotine which I wrote about in 2011 and I re-purchased Sarah's book of the same name.

Up Next…

Check out

Best Bite | Wildgrain

[Gifted] I have never done this before. Two months in a row with the same best bite! But I just finished the last of my Wildgrain box and everything was so good. We ended with the sourdough walnut bread that we ate with French butter and oh la la!

Their fresh, clean ingredient breads go directly from the freezer to the oven – believe it!

My box had a little boo-boo in delivery (don't get me started on our FedEx and UPS drivers…) so I couldn't get an “unboxing” shot!

Check out the Wildgrain Delivery Service! They have a selection of absolutely delicious bread, pastries, and pasta.

If you are interested in trying Wildgrain out, I've got a discount code for you: ANDI_FISHER, and the first 50 people to sign up using that code will get $30 off the first box + FREE Croissants in every box!

It is a subscription service that they make easily manageable. They warn you when a shipment is coming up, and allow you to skip months or cancel anytime. But why would you when you can have a monthly box of the good stuff that goes from box-to-freezer-to-oven-to-your-mouth in no time?

And unlike a lot of “frozen” foods, there are no preservatives. They are clean!

Do it for the free croissants FOR LIFE…

Working On | Tech Issues

The summer o'blogging ended on July 31st after writing 26 articles. The sad thing is I still have about that many in draft form! In August, I turned to technical issues working with Mr. Misadventures as well as the wonderful iMark interactive.

Feeling | Excited

We started our year in Lisbon leaving mid-January, did some island camping in early spring, hit Chicago for 4-days in April, and a week in Phoenix to help my Mom. Then summer hit and we have been sheltered from the sun without any travel. We backloaded practically all our travel in the last 4 months of the year!

little girl in flight gear on suitcase copy

We are heading to France in mid-September for a week in Vichy, and 3 weeks in Normandy, with some days along the Seine and Paris. Then I am home for 36 hours and off to Chicago again. Home for 3 weeks and we head to the Azores for 2 weeks of vacation (NO work!) and then 6 weeks in Lisbon coming home mid-January again.

Woot! I am EXCITED!

Loving | Truffles Trader Joe’s

It started with Trader Joe's Organic White Truffle Potato Chips (you don't have to live near a Trader Joe's you can get them on Amazon!) which we took camping with us and went down so well with a Corona Premiere low-carb beer. Then it was their truffle ketchup which is absolutely delicious with just the right amount of truffle (and it is low-carb!). Now if they would just bring back their truffle butter I would be a happy girl!

I am not a crazy fan of truffles, but I do love food items that have just a hint (beware the chips have a lot, I only eat a few at a time!) of truffles. I rarely go to Costco but they have a great gouda with truffles there are well!


Every time I eat something with truffles I am taken back to my all-truffle meal in Italy, wow that was amazing!

Published in August

I didn't write much new content (see note in the “Working On” section) but I contributed to 3 other round-up articles:

That’s my month, what’s CURRENTLY going on with you?

Like it? PIN it!

living room with retro tvTo Kill A Troubadour on ereader next to pile of bookslittle girl in flight gear on suitcase copy

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  1. I completely agree with you on Vikings. The first few seasons were great. The last few not so much.

  2. Amber Myers says:

    It looks like you had a fantastic August. That wildgrain box looks amazing.

  3. Fun month! We’re big fans of both Vikings and Last Kingdom. Great shows. We just finished Inventing Anna and Queen’s Gambit. Also highly recommended!

    1. Rose Ann Sales says:

      I haven’t watched Vikings yet I’m gonna add it to my watch list! I’m sure the whole family would love it!

  4. Interesting month! The book To Kill A Troubadour sounds really interesting. I’ll give it a look when I get the chance.

  5. Tara Pittman says:

    I need a shopping trip to Trader Joes. They always have unique items to buy.

  6. The Wildgrain box sounds pretty amazing. I have to try the Trader Joe’s Organic White Truffle Potato Chips, they sound really yummy.

  7. Richelle Milar says:

    We just watched Top Gun Maverick yesterday and it is really amazing my husband and kids did enjoy it so much! Vikings is also a fantastic film!

  8. Terri Steffes says:

    My daughter lives in Chicago and we were there in April… I wonder if our paths crossed. We are in the middle of what feels like fall, but it makes me a little scared and nervous because it is far too early here in the midwest!

  9. A fun update! I haven’t watched Vikings yet although I’ve had a few people recommend it to me. But I do share the same excitement with you about being able to watch Top Gun: Maverick!

  10. Heather D says:

    I will have to check out that show. I moved and no TJs sad for me!

  11. Gervin Khan says:

    Wow! Such an amazing August you have, it’s a blast from my perspective! Loved it!

  12. Ice Cream N Sticky Fingers says:

    There is always so much to do when it comes to blogging. I’m also working on some back end stuff which should make a difference in my SEO rankings. It’s been tedious work and I still have a ways to go.

  13. Beautiful Touches says:

    Looks like it was a great month all in all! Bet you’re super excited for your next Paris trip, and Vikings always looked like an interesting show, I’ll have to make it jump my backlog list!