Currently February 2015
Currently | 2.16.15
Watching | Marco Polo.
Netflix rocks, their series are outstanding and this one is absolutely stunning.
Reading | Obsession in Death by J.D. Robb (the 40th book in this series!).
Just finished Honolulu by Alan Brennert. (Thanks Katie!)
Working On | Getting my blog routine under control.
I have a plan, have started to implement it.
Feeling | Sad.
One of my best blogging friends is going on a blog sabbatical and may never come back. It is weighing heavy on my heart.
Planning | Trips!
The weekends are booking up fast. New longer trips are in the making!
Loving | My new focus
I have given into the fact that I just don't have enough time to do everything, so I must choose wisely.
My Favorite Photo | Jessica in our bedroom.
Jessica started climbing the stairs to spend time in our bedroom again!
What is CURRENTLY going on with you?
I hear you on the blog routine front – it’s so hard to juggle so many hats! 🙂 Sounds like you are a busy woman! I am just trying to stay awake later than 8:00 tonight! Haha!
@Breanna, OMG, if I make it to 9 each night I am lucky. Thankfully my hubby either beats me or is right behind me, we are both chickens!
I am currently super tired because I haven’t been getting enough sleep for some reason. P.S. hope your friend’s blog sabbatical gets resolved soon (and positively) and that you feel better!
@Jenn, oh gosh I am a total nightmare without sleep. I need a ton of sleep and when I don’t get – watch out!
It sounds like you’re in a transitional period which seems about right for the beginning of the year. I’m just back from 3 weeks of traveling and also need to make sure I’m using my time wisely. I want to do so many things, but there’s never enough time!
@Kelly, travel definitely brings its own curses as well as rewards. I am still trying to figure out a system to be efficient with producing travel posts – whether it is during the trip or after, there is always a ton to do! I have mapped out plans for how I am approaching blogging this year and I am crossing my fingers it goes as planned.
Once you figure out that system of posting while traveling, let me know. I haven’t been able to do it myself, but also don’t want to totally take myself out of the trip itself! I just post pics to FB, Twitter and IG, but it does make for an overwhelming feeling when you return and have to think about how to recap everything.
I’m a huge J D Robb fan and have read every book. Now that I know we have similar tastes I’ll check out the show on Netflix. Always nice to find a new one. Thanks 🙂
@Ali, JD Robb is awesome! I have never stuck with a series this long, but the story lines never get old, love Roarke! If you like historical series or movies, you will love Marco Polo, I am amazed how much I didn’t know about him, I am currently hunting for a good book to read about him!
I love the in death series. I just read #39. I’m starting to think of trips for later this year.
@Karissa, yay another Detective Dallas fan!
love the photo really nice
@Krystel, thanks, I selected from Unsplash which is a great resource for bloggers!
what trips!! i must know! 🙂
@Esther, we keep adding new ones every week! And changing others. Somehow canceling our trip to Greenland has meant lots of other trips to make up for the loss.
Looking forward to hearing about your upcoming trips. And hooray that your cat is climbing the stairs. Our cat broke her leg a few years ago, and it was very, very difficult.
@Jenna, the trips are coming together fast! I hope your cat fully recovered, Jessica is on her way!
I love your new focus, too. 🙂
I’m sorry about Jen’s sabbatical — that’s gotta be hard when someone who’s been around since nearly the beginning decides to take a break. Don’t forget you still have a lot of support and love from the blogging world!
@Katie, thank you so much, makes me feel better!
Did someone say oscars???
@Becky, that’s coming up! I actually got to go two years ago – it was a blast!
i love series like these!
@Aimee, so glad to hear you enjoyed it!
The blog routine… I’m so trying to get back into the swing of writing again… It’s not as easy as people think – especially with three little ones running around lol
@Jamie, I hear ya. I don’t have little ones around and it is hard, can’t imagine with three!
I am currently packing for above across town, juggling the normal crazy of life, and hoping to finish the laundry! The glamour just never ends over here! 😉
@Michelle, sometimes a little a normalcy is what we need to keep us grounded!
I am excited to have been pretty blog productive today and got several posts scheduled for March! Takes some pressure off!
@Jamie, I hear ya, I am doing the same, it feels good when you can get ahead!
Love the part about your new focus! Trips almost every weekend – how fun! I love traveling too, and only just got home from a week-long trip.
@Samantha, it does feel good to start to see progress when you set personal goals.
What a great series! I love posts that give an “inside view” of our favorite bloggers 🙂 I am totally with you in trying to implement a schedule with blogging (and everything else!). Look forward to seeing your next travel post, good luck with keeping up on the posting!
@Ashley, so glad you like to series, I took it from two other bloggers who also did it and I loved learning about them and thought others may want to learn more about me as well.
I’m trying to figure out my blog schedule too! And I’m excited for tonight because my husband and I are taking my daughter bowling for the first time! =) Hope you have a great weekend!
@Jessica, I have seen kids learning to bowl, it is so adorable!
I need to adapt your attitude of choosing what I do wisely. I’m hoping after this move we’ll settle into a routine so that I can do more of that. I need more time for myself too, which another blogger so kindly reminded me of this morning.
@Brenda, I hear you, I think most people crave normalcy and routine.
Your cat is adorable!
@Melanie, thank you!
Watched Marco Polo last month and loved it. I am excited by what Netflix has up their sleeves for original series. Great picture of your kitty. As for me, I am trying (as always!) to balance the blog needs, family and create new content. A vicious cycle! 😉
@Andrea, I know Netflix does amazing work! A vicious circle that we happily navigate!
It is currently 3am and I am super tired and I want to go to bed. But I kinda want eat some ice cream as well, lol. The weekend is full of house work and staying warm, we’re suppose to have crappy winter weather AGAIN this weekend, so over this nonsense. I also need to do 2 different product reviews as well.
@Natalie, wow! You have a lot going on! I was just teasing my hubby this morning, it is February and he was in shorts, t-shirt and bare feet making breakfast with the window wide open, I told him all my friends on the East Coast would want to kill him!
I havent been getting much sleep either, not because of travel though.
I hope your blogging friend is able to get everything worked out & come back!
@Jess, oh thanks that is so sweet of you! I hope so too!
I’m currently reading “The Rosie Project” by Graeme Simsion. I LOVE it!
I’m watching Dexter. I’ve seen them all on Netflix but now I’m watching again with my husband(he missed out before)
@Carrie, the same thing happened to me with Dexter, sort of. I watched the first 7 seasons on my own and kept telling my hubby how much I loved it. So he finally decided to watch it and we watched 1-7 again and then 8! I got to work at two Dexter events at my last job and got to meet some of the cast, they were very cool!
that picture of your kitty is precious! I want to get a cat so badly, and seeing this picture makes me want one really bad now! I also love that show on Netflix! It’s super addicting!!!
@Lauren, she is quite a character, but I adore her!
What a wonderful recap Andi! I too try to start at a blogging routine, and so far it has been doing okay. I attribute this to my use of a planner and actively looking at our family calendar. It really does help.
But what else is going on with me? First I can’t believe it’s nearly March. I mean it’s nearly the end of the first quarter of 2015??? Crazy right? But as I look back at January and the first few weeks of February I realize where my time has gone. There’s the usual family and work activities, but I also started a home-based ‘charm jewelry’ business and completed my blogging calendar. Plus we entertained out of town friends and relatives. So all in all it was a pretty productive Jan. and Feb!
@Cara, my planner is really helping me too!
Have fun in all your travels it sounds like a great time is coming
I hope your blogging BFF comes back! And I totally need to get a blog routine down. I feel like I am constantly trying to do a million things at once. Overwhelming!
@Jacklyn, ah thanks, me too!
I can completely related to the blog control part. Whew, for something that I enjoy doing so much it is another full time job to add to my ‘normal’ full time job, being a wife, mom, Mary Kay Consultant and still trying to keep up with everything else house related, spending time with family and the normal wifey-mommy duties.
@Stephanie, yikes you are one busy lady!
I love currently’s posts, I know what you mean about blogging friends taking possible permanent sabbatical, hope she returns some point in the future. Like you i need to have a blogging plan again though i am slowly working on it.
I’m currently up because my son refused to go back to sleep at 4am. I am tired but I have to take my daughter to school in an hour. I’m also relieved that my friend’s baby shower that I cohosted yesterday went smoothly and that she had an enjoyable time.
We are currently working on getting ready to go out of town again. I am loving getting caught up at home while we are getting ready for our next adventure though. Sounds like you are have had a great week!
I need to work on my focus. I was doing good but I swear I get distracted so easily! I’ts horrible!!! =( I am glad you are able to focus on the things you want to! i Like this post as it’s a grey way to just share basic of whats going on! Thank you for sharing! =)
i love the picture of the kitty so cute
Fun post! This will be a fun way to look back at a snapshot of your life right now!
Right now I’m 30 days from a 4 week Mediterranean cruise! I cannot wait!
My blog routine is a mess right now. I feel like I’m all over the place. I can’t take a break or it’ll be worse :). I haven’t read a book in a while and need to get back that. It sounds like you have some great travel plans. I can’t wait to read about it.
Hope you’re having a great weekend! 🙂