
Currently April 2015


Currently | 4.12.15

Watching | No Limit (a French TV series from Luc Besson)
> We finished Chefs, another French TV series that was really fabulous – a look inside the life of a starred chef in Paris.

Reading | NYPD Red 3 by James Patterson, third in the series – two special detectives in New York.
> Finished The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, a great precursor to my new exercise routine.

Working On | Posts from my trip to the NCAA Championships
> As well as the never-ending process of catching up on blog posts!

Feeling | Apprehensive
> My 5-days-a-week for 4-weeks at 5:30 AM boot camp starts tomorrow! I have zero exercise experience so this is going to be interesting!

Planning | Trips to Hawaii and Montana
> Talk about two entirely different places!

Loving | The possibilities
> I have a lot of things going on and I am staying focused on what is important.

My Favorite Photo | The bear
> I texted this photo to Mr. Misadventures who likes to think of himself as a big bear. I told him that I had found his replacement. He asked if this bear cooked? I replied that I better stick with the original!



What is CURRENTLY going on with you?

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  1. Katie @ Domestiphobia says:

    Ha! That bear picture is too cute. I have been watching French films on Netflix lately — I really enjoyed Barbecue, and Le Chef is next in my cue. Good luck at boot camp tomorrow! Remember that it’s normal to feel like you’re going to die — that just means you’re doing it right! 😉

  2. Tamara @ We3Travel says:

    Cute photo with the bear!! Can’t wait to hear more about your upcoming trips. I’ve always wanted to go to Montana.

  3. Erin Branscom says:

    Good luck with your bootcamp! I bet you’re going to feel amazing after doing it for awhile! 🙂 Good luck on your two trips! They sound fantastic!

  4. christina says:

    Hi! First time reading your work and this was a nice introduction! I love James Patterson’s books, nice, quick adventurous reads. I’m interested to hear about your adventures with the boot camp, that is ambitious! Good luck!!

  5. I would love to hear about your trip to the NCAA finals. My hubby ended up winning his pool–hooray for Chicago boy Coach K!

  6. Sharon Erickson - Her Organized Chaos says:

    Don’t feel apprehensive about boot camp! I did a boot camp once and let me tell you… I am NOT athletic, I had a 60 year old pot belly man wearing a sweatband pass me by in the run and as much as I think anyone would be embarassed, I wasn’t. I was like, “Good on him!” Made me want to work harder! Good luck!

  7. michele d says:

    I will have to admit you surprised me with that Bear. What a cute picture. Well, I’ve been busy writing to post that were due yesterday. Ha.. Trying to cook dinner for my family and get my dog out for a walk. Very busy and all over the place.

  8. Bethany at The Southern Couture says:

    OMG! YOu went to the NCAA Championships. My husband and I are huge Duke fans and I would have loved to have seen them. I can’t wait to hear about your experience.

  9. Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy says:

    Love the pic of you and the bear. So cool.

  10. Lol that huge bear in a candy shop

  11. Christine says:

    I hate the feeling of knowing you have to get up super early the next morning, especially for a new exercise routine! GOOD LUCK!

  12. Christine Gallagher says:

    I would love to visit Hawaii I am sure you will have a wonderful and I can’t wait to see the pics

  13. Jaclyn Anne says:

    I would love that picture too! And that convo with the mister is adorable 🙂