
Travel Tip – Take photos!

Here is a tip I learned the hard way.

Take photos of the name of every restaurant you eat in when you travel. Not only will it help you remember the name of that great little cafe in Rome where you had the best linguine vongole of your life four years ago (my story), but it will also help you remember the name of the that terrible and over-priced restaurant that you want to tell your colleague to avoid on her honeymoon trip (also a true story!).

Take a photo of the front of the restaurant, the menu, the napkin, their business card and keep it with your vacation photos. I promise you it will definitely come in handy!

Whenever I travel I now religiously make sure I document every restaurant name with a photo (if you forget your camera, use your smart phone).

Now…about that darn restaurant in Rome….

How about you? Have a similar travel tip to remember places that you visit?

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  1. Richard X. Thripp says:

    That’s a great idea… I used to take over 100 pictures a day, but now I get lazy and don’t take pictures of anything. I really need to start doing that again.

    1. @Richard, I go through periods of taking photos and not taking photos, and I always regret when I don’t!

  2. Andi of My Beautiful Adventures says:

    So so so agree!!!

    1. @AndP, spoken by someone who has probably felt my pain 😉

  3. The Fashionable Traveler says:

    That is such great advise. I was recently trying to remember a great restaurant in Rome myself. I had put the business card in “Rome” moleskin journal…but alas the journal was no where to be found when I needed it. I finally figured it out my retracing my steps on google maps, but what should have been a five minute task took more like 45…I will definitely start photographing everything…at least I’ll always no where my iphoto library is.

    1. @TheFashionableTraveler, like I said, I had to learn this by painful experience and unfortunately I am likely to never find my linguine vongole again!

  4. gustosa giveaways says:

    I’ll do that next time.

  5. Desarae W. says:

    This is a great tip! With memory like mine, I need to take photos.