
Project Discover Week #4

Project Discover Week 4

We hit our one month anniversary in Portland! Arriving here, we have had a bit of baptism by fire. It has rained almost every day we've been here for some part of the day.

My family was stationed in Washington state during my last three years of high school, so I remember what winter is like. But, it's been awhile since either Mr. Misadventures or I have experienced a real rainy season. It's reminding us of when we first moved back from France in March 0f 2006, the San Francisco Bay Area was experiencing the kind of torrential rain and storms that they are currently experiencing (did you see the photos of a flooded San Jose? It was like that). Buy hey, that was 2006 and we haven't seen anything like that since then! So it takes getting used to.

We kind of said “screw it” and started going on walks in the rain. We need to exercise. We already started paying attention to what we are eating, but we also want to get moving to burn some calories. Ultimately we are hoping to take our bikes on the path near the RV park, but for now, we are walking. Rain or no rain.

Usually, Mondays are slow for new jobs hitting the market, but this week it was Tuesday, so after I hunted and found no new positions to apply for, I dived back into blog work. Las week I completed Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner. This week I've been going through Elite Blog Academy from Ruth Soukup. Version 3.0 came out and I am reviewing the newer material. I bought Version 1.0, the really great thing is I continue to have access to all the new versions. Score!

Working on Old Posts
A blogger's life: Working on Old Posts.

I also started working on some old posts that are still popular. I'm cleaning them up, sprucing up the images and checking their SEO. I am going to go back through and add some relevant affiliate links as well. I saw a bump in my stats from the attention I have given the blog over the last month, so that is rewarding. I will continue to do so until I have a full-time job and then I will have to go back to doing the best I can…like the vast majority of bloggers out there!

I am working with a new partner for paid work, you may have noticed my post on Anaheim yesterday. I have another one in the works and hope to continue to do more. But like everything in life, there are no guarantees!

We drove up to Seattle yesterday. In the last two weeks, we've been to Seattle twice, so we are getting a little bit of split personality. Whoever hires us first, that's where we will end up! I was already planning to come up for a workshop in the city tomorrow, but I also got called for an interview so we decided to make an extended weekend out of it.

Since our beloved Tray Kitchen closed, we decided to try another Korean spot downtown near our hotel. We ate at Chan Seattle not too far from the Pike Place Market. We judge Korean restaurants by their seafood pancake. Theirs is pretty good. All the food was tasty, but a bit on the greasy side. We left satisfied unlike last week when we went out for Mr. Misadventures birthday. Seattle redeemed itself a bit!

Today we are going to check out the Star Trek exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, otherwise known as this building:

Photo credit: Photo credit: Sel & Poivre Photography

I've been dying to go inside the museum rather than having Mr. Misadventures just take photos of the outside of it! And today is the day! The exhibition covers the 50th anniversary of the franchise, one I love immensely, so I can't wait to see it.

Project Discover is spawned from my 2017 word of the year, discover. Besides looking for a job I am focused on three things:

  1. Discover(ing) Portland
  2. Discover(ing) Exercise
  3. (re)Discover My Blogging Mojo

You can follow along every week in my Project Discover Weekly Updates.

That's been my week, what have you been up to?

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Project Discover Week 4








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  1. I like that you’re going out to walk despite the rain. I keep thinking I could move to the pacific northwest (no bugs! beautiful scenery! great food!), but the lack of sunshine is my biggest deterrent. I’ve been in the southeast for so long, I’d potentially go mad. Hoping for good news on the job front soon! I’m curious — do you have a preference of which city, if you had an offer in both, you’d rather live in?

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Katie, most Pacific Northwesterners don’t let the weather stop them, but we have to work our way up to it! Mr. Misadventures prefers Seattle, I’m okay with either, I’m just happy to be back in the PNW!

  2. salexis alexis says:

    I am from Vancouver area and over the past few years I’ve had the great opportunity to visit Seattle a few times and Portland once – SUPER memorable!!!!

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Salexis, Vancouver is so beautiful and memorable in an of itself! What was your favorite thing you did in Portland and Seattle?

  3. Sharon Wu says:

    great post babe! these days i’ve been itching to discover more of my own local areas as well and your post has definitely inspired me to do so. thanks for that! xo, sharon

  4. Peter Korchnak says:

    I admire your consistency posting these, Andi. Keep on discovering!

  5. Calvin F. says:

    I like your notebook very nice pineapple pattern.