Project Discover Week #2
Is it weird that I like the sound of airplanes taking off and landing? Or seeing them do the same? We live near the airport and I love hearing and seeing the planes leave for some far off destination or bringing folks to wet, wet Portland. Although it probably isn't great for two travel addicted people. We are already talking about where we want to go to next “…when we have jobs…”
Week 2 was more of the same. Applying for more jobs and uploading my resume to recruiting sites. I signed up for a resume workshop at General Assembly in Seattle. I'm a fan of GA, I think they offer the right courses for highly sought after skills and I'm also thinking about taking some courses.
In terms of my resume, I think you can get to a point where you look at it a thousand times and you just can't see it anymore. I think an in-person workshop will help inspire me.
I've also been looking at freelance writing work. OMG, I wrote two 500-word test articles and I can tell you, it's nearly impossible for me to write 500 words! Most of my post are north of 700, more like 1000. You can hardly say anything in 500 words!
I personally think the RV is plenty big to work out of. It's as big as a studio or small one-bedroom apartment and I have no problem spending all day in it. However, Mr. Misadventures can get claustrophobic. Most days we get outside so that the hubby can see natural sunlight and hear human voices. An introvert he is not! We usually head to our mailbox, a coffee shop or grocery store and that's enough to keep him sane. Once the weather gets better we can maybe have lunch outside (the food trucks are calling me!) or go for a walk.
However, I'm not sure when the weather will get better. It has rained every day but one since we arrived on February 1st. As of tonight, it will be the fifth wettest February on record and I see no end yet! Hello, Pacific Northwest!
The cold weather has nudged us into making comfort food. We made that amazing fettuccine with red lamb sauce and then we ate the leftovers the next night. We took the remaining batch of white beans that Mr. Misadventures made, added carrots and a new package of the ground lamb to make a hearty stew. We ate that Wednesday night and again last night for dinner.
We were seriously impressed with the taste and quality of the Open Nature® lamb and went back to Safeway to buy four more packages for the freezer. My friend Katie sent me a link to a great sounding couscous and lamb recipe, that might be something we make very soon.
The weather along with the making of comfort food is definitely not helping the whole exercise regime. I'm drinking a lot more water and reducing quantity, but I'd like to get out and ride my bike. We have a 12-mile bike path along the Columbia River that starts about a half-mile from the RV and I want to use it. We tried walking the path a few nights ago but it was 35 degrees and windy so I don't even think we did a mile because we were freezing our butts off!
On the blog front, I've got some social media going and I'm feeling much better about that. I need to create a bunch more Pinterest images.
I've got a load of drafts and post ideas I need to convert and get scheduled, I'm trying to work on one post a day in some way, shape or form. I am visiting and comments on three blogs nearly every single day and responding to comments on Misadventures with Andi in 24-28 hours.
I'm feeling good, but still struggling with traffic.
Project Discover is spawned from my 2017 word of the year, discover. Besides looking for a job I am focused on three things:
- Discover(ing) Portland
- Discover(ing) Exercise
- (re)Discover My Blogging Mojo
You can follow along every week in my Project Discover Weekly Updates.
That's been my week, what have you been up to?
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I hope you like that recipe if you try it! I remember loving it. I’m sure buying/storing those spices might be annoying in an RV, but I made it exactly as described and it was delicious. You know, my family had a little pop-up tent camper that we took several summer vacations in. I remember the best parts about it to fight the claustrophobia were sleeping in the tent-like beds, and also this awning we had with a zip-around screen. It added SO much square footage to the tiny camper, and even on rainy days we could sit out in our “screened porch” to get some space. Of course, you have the cold to contend with as well, but do they make such screen situations for large RVs? Might be just what Mr. Misadventures needs!
@Katie, I will see how closely I follow it. I can always just buy a little bit of the spices in bulk foods so I don’t have to store them all. Or at least I think I can. We have a giant retractable awning on the side of the RV, there is a TV out there. We just need some warmer or at least drier weather!
I feel as if, once something is working on my blog, it should always work, and never need my help ever again. That pin’s doing really well on Pinterest? Oh, it should keep bringing in pageviews. I got lots of comments on that one post. Awesome–people should stay engaged with it. Very, very sadly, that never happens, so I hear you on trying to juggle a bunch of things and then still feeling as if you’re struggling with pageviews. That aspect of blogging completely infuriates me since everything is always in flux, but, in a strange way, it keeps me wanting to push more and more! 🙂 Good luck on the job search–I HATE redoing my resume!
@Natalie, seriously, you can’t take your eye off the ball for a second! But the challenge is fun and keeps us going!
I need to rediscover my running mojo! Help me from afar, will ya?
@Kristin, seriously, you seem like the exercise queen! I need your help more than you need mine!
CrAZy week!