
Project Discover Week #1

Project Discover Week 1

Now that we are stationary and no longer wandering in the RV, the new endeavor, Project Discover commences!

For our first full week in Portland, the big focus was our job search. Monday morning I spiffed up my resume (does anyone else hate doing that?) and created job searches on the usual sites. I'm looking for full-time work in the greater Portland and Seattle areas, so fingers crossed I'll find something!

Each day I wake up around 7 a.m., drink a cup of coffee and hit the laptop. Depending on the wifi, Mr. Misadventures and I will either work from the RV or head out so seek a stronger connection.

Last week we found a mailbox just 15 minutes away from home in the Fremont area. Two doors down from our mailbox is a Starbucks with excellent bandwidth. Two doors the other way is a small Whole Foods with a great cafe that offers wifi as well. In addition in the same little shopping center is a cute county library with work desks, wifi, etc. So we've got options!

After several hours of finding and applying for a job, I usually spend the afternoon working on blogging projects. Writing posts, planning social media, reading and commenting on other blogs. I've also started looking at some freelance projects.

I had a pretty good week with two paid social media campaigns, a new sponsored post project for next week and one for the week after. Isn't it funny how those types of things come in dribs and drabs? I'd love a consistent stream of paid influencer work, but then again, who wouldn't?

In terms of the other two parts of Project Discover – Portland and exercise, the movement is a bit slower. It has been raining and freezing every day since we arrived, which makes me less inclined to get on a bike and try out the 12-mile path near our home. And driving or walking around in the rain while checking out Portland isn't fun.

That's not to say we didn't try. A bit.

We revisited Luc Lac, a delicious Vietnamese restaurant, for lunch and we checked out the Flying Fish Co., an amazing provisioner of extraordinary food, including fresh seafood. With all the storms, the hauls of Dungeness crab have been outstanding and we picked up some for lunch today. They also have the best baguette we've tried so far. We'll have to stay away from the store until we have jobs, it is a little on the expensive side.

Project Discover is spawned from my 2017 word of the year, discover. Besides looking for a job I am focused on three things:

  1. Discover(ing) Portland
  2. Discover(ing) Exercise
  3. (re)Discover My Blogging Mojo

You can follow along every week in my Project Discover Weekly Updates.

That's been my week, what have you been up to?



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  1. Sounds like a great week! Best of luck on the job search — I know that’s a pain. Would you really commute all the way to Seattle or just move up that way if you got a job there?

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Katie, ideally I would love to stay in Portland, but our biggest priority is finding a job, so if we get those in Seattle, we will move to the greater Seattle area instead of staying here in Portland.

  2. Peter Korchnak says:

    But, but, rain is what makes Portland! Let me tell you, after all the snow days, rain felt like things were back to normal.
    We aka “Where Is Your Toothbrush?” are based in Portland, too (since 2005 in fact). Let’s get together, it’s always fun to meet fellow travelers.

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Peter, I do absolutely remember you and your wife, you were featured as a Traveler Tuesday on the blog. And I have an email to you in my draft box because I wanted to reach out to you about another series. Will get back to your email this week!

  3. Calvin F. says:

    You had some great foods 😀