
Currently August 2015


Currently | 8.18.15

Watching | House of Lies (season 3 and 4) if you ever work with consultants, you will appreciate this show.
> Completed Hell on Wheels through season 4, waiting for Netflix to have season 5.

Reading | Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal a super interesting read on organizational engagement that pulls in military history.
> Also started James A. Michener's Alaska, since I loved Hawaii so much, I moved onto this one for when I need a break from Team of Teams. Finished 14th Deadly Sin, part of the Women's Murder Club series by James Patterson.

Working On | Content strategy.
> Content is an important part of blogging (I would argue the most important) and it is also a focus for me professionally. I have been thinking about refining my content strategy to maximize my existing blog content in different forms.

Feeling | Sore
> I started bootcamp again after a two month break and it hurts so good!

Planning | The syllabus
> I will be leading a 1-day blogging workshop at the newly opened Writing Pad in San Francisco. This very successful LA-based school is now in San Francisco and I am joining the “faculty.” So if you live in the SF Bay Area, I'd love to see you!

Loving | That summer is almost over.
> I love autumn which is the best time of year in San Francisco – come for a visit!

My Favorite Photo | Buick Red Carpet
> I loved being behind the scenes at red carpet events (like the Oscars, the GRAMMYS and premieres) when I worked for Dolby. I have been working at the bank a little over two years (no red carpet events there) so it was nice to pretend a bit at the Buick event I went to in LA this past month. One of the bloggers took this photo of me and I thought it turned out pretty good!


Upcoming Posts | August
> In Pursuit of Happiness, why happiness is a choice.
> My roadtrip to Bend, Oregon. I drove a brand new Buick Encore to my family reunion and really loved the car.

What is CURRENTLY going on with you?

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  1. Kristin K says:

    Well, what’s going on with me is, my sister will be giving birth to my second nephew in October! A friend of mine from high school is due tomorrow….and there are quite a few bloggers that I’ve been following, that have either delivered, or are pregnant right now! I also can’t wait for fall, as we can look forward to jeans and t-shirts, and maybe a sweatshirt!

  2. Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says:

    Sounds like you have a lot going on. Currently, my husband and I are watching the Vampire DIaries on Netflix.

  3. What a cute idea! I can’t wait for autumn either!

  4. I would love to attend your 1-day blogging course. I am in awe of your content as it is so would really be interested to see how you intend to improve.
    I too love August. It has been such a hot summer here with 30+˚Celcius as an average but it is starting to dip into the 20s. I have started a regimen of jogging to my first 5k now that the air is slowly getting bearable. There’s a local boxing place for women called 30 minute hit. It has really helped me enjoy working out as hard as I can for 30 minutes while also getting some aggression out.
    Otherwise I am just enjoying the winding down of summer with the slow dissipation of tourists.

  5. I’ve been wanting to see House of Lies .I’ll have to check it out. I also love Fall .It’s beautiful in WI too 🙂

  6. Claudette P. Esterine says:

    Love the way you did this post – can i steal the idea? Kidding! Well, many Canadians, especially here in Alberta, will not be pleased with you about longing for Fall. Our summer was way too short!

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Claudette, you can absolutely steal it. I got it from another blogger and some of my other readers have adopted it as well.

  7. I think this is so cute. I don’t have such precise answers. I am currently watching some silly prison show my husband likes. Yuck.

  8. i never tried bootcamp.. sounds like a great program to increase our stamina and to lose weight.

  9. Elizabeth O. says:

    You’re very productive. It’s nice that you still have the time to read or at least allot a time for it. I barely have time to pick up a book.

  10. Classy pic you got there! Maybe next time you will post one with RR printed at the back instead and that will surely make a different statement!=) Oh, i think a nice plunging bling of sorts will definitely compliment your outfit more.=)

  11. Debbie Denny says:

    Busy person. I am reading and catching up on a couple shows.

  12. Mykidsguide says:

    Looks like you had a wonderful time at the event. You have a lot of things going on and I am so jealous that you have the time to do all these.

  13. Katie @ Domestiphobia says:

    Hmm.. just finished reading The Martian so I could enjoy before it comes out in theaters. Should be good! Now re-reading the Poisonwood Bible… watching Bloodline. It’s good, but a bit slow. Feeling full. Did a press trip in Hampton yesterday and I haven’t worked out since Sweden. I might need a boot camp! 😉 (You look great in that dress, by the way!)

  14. Kristin K says:

    You look wonderful in the Buick picture! If I were that close to a red carpet back drop, or what have you, I would sneak in a picture as well!!! lol

  15. I haven’t started a book in a long while and I miss it terribly. I’m on Netflix all the time though, but I’m watching Sons of Anarchy!

  16. Sicorra@NotNowMomsBusy says:

    What an excellent list, and good for you for participating in a boot camp.

  17. Channel Imperial says:

    Whjen I read what you’re working on, it made me think that I need to work on the same thing too!

  18. That is so adorable. Great dress. You gotta good look, Andi.

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Jen, thanks, that dress is very forgiving!

  19. Wow you have a lot going on! Reading all of that, encourages me to work harder on my projects!

  20. Camels & Chocolate says:

    Eager to see what you do with your content. I’m also having that epiphany now, eight years into blogging and in the wake of relaunching my new redesign, weeeee.

    P.S. I just started getting your newsletter again, even though I’ve been following you for yeaaaars. Did you reactivate it or was I just not receiving it?

    1. Andi Fisher says:

      @Kristin, I can’t wait to see the redesign, I want to update too. On the newsletter, funny enough, I never sent one out until this year! So you didn’t miss anything, I had just been collecting names and finally got my ass in gear to send a newsletter out!

  21. I’m re-watching Army Wives because sometimes a good cry is what you need! My husband and I are looking for a book that we can read together. We’re starting a husband/wife book club!

  22. Esther of Local Adventurer says:

    I love that photo of you!! Yes, I need to work on content strategy too. I can barely keep up with new content.

  23. Content strategy is definitely one area of blogging where I need to step up my game, too!