
Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen in Brittany France

After spending the morning and early afternoon hiking along the sentiers côtiers of Perros-Guirec, we had a mission for the afternoon. Find the Domaine de Kerveguen farm where they fabricated the tastiest artisanal cider I have ever had.

The ciderie is located in Guimaëc which was basically in the middle of our route between Perros-Guirec and Roscoff (where we were staying at the Hotel Brittany). It was a 45-minute drive from lunch made longer by the fact that we were not in a hurry so we explored along the way. As we narrowed in on our location we began to see these signs:

Domaine de Kerveguen farm sign
We found our way up to the farm. Mr. Misadventures immediately headed towards the store (one-track mind!) and I started exploring the cellar! The domaine is run by Eric Baron (who speaks English and also loves to [gently] make fun of your American accent!) who he is the fourth generation to make cider.

His product is crisp and fruity, smooth and bubbly. I have had plenty of experience with ciders and he is outrageously good. His product is not distributed vary widely, so if you have an opportunity to taste it, don't miss out. And it if you find yourself on vacation in the region of Brittany, stop by.

I love the red door accents:

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen DoorMany barrels of goodness:

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen BarrelsBarrels are fun to photograph!

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen BarrelI have popped many of these:

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen CorksLittle storefront:

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen StoreSelection of products:

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen Selection
We bought several types of Mr. Baron's ciders and apple juice. Our favorite still being the one we originally had at Cafe Breizh in Cancale, the Carpe Diem Prestige (4th bottle from the left with the green label). We spent the rest of our road trip enjoying a bottle a day of the golden delights produced at Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen.

Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen: 29620 Guimaëc, France.

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Cidres Domaine de Kervéguen Brittany France

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  1. Lady Jennie says:

    Oh I’ll bet it smelled really good in that cave.

    You’re fueling my love of Bretagne.

    1. @Jennie, it was musty and awesome!

  2. Hmmm … I love cider. I must take note of that ciderie if their products are that good. Something to visit next time I’m over there. Thanks for sharing.

    1. @Ingrid, yes, definitely check it out, but you may find it in Paris as well.

  3. Good to know. I’m off to Paris in exactly 4 weeks. I’ll have a look around.