
A Peek into Chez Moi

For several reasons that I am not going to go into, the Misadventures Clubhouse (a.k.a. the place where we live) is officially on the market. Not for dates…for sale. I haven't shown very much of our home, but now that it is sort of out there on the interwebs, at least in the San Francisco Bay Area, I thought I would share a peek into chez moi. It is another way for you to get to know more of the “real” me.

We love open architecture and modern design. When we returned from living in France we searched high and low for lofts in San Francisco, but the market was at a high point and anything we liked was way out of our price range. So we took the hunt to the East Bay where we focused on Emeryville and West Oakland. In total, we looked for a place to call home for a year to no avail.

Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Opinions are always my own and I’ll never promote something I don’t use or believe in. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

2211_5thB exterior

It was by chance the day before we were leaving for an Alaskan cruise that I spotted an ad for our future home in Berkeley on Craig's List. We ran over to take a look and instantly fell in love. And then we left for Alaska. This was 2007 (in the days before Docusign) and let me tell you, faxing real estate paperwork from a cruise at $1.50 a page was a little crazy. If you have ever bought a home you will know that there is a lot of paperwork!

But we got it and we have loved and cherished our little corner of paradise ever since. 

We are also minimalists. After a military childhood of moving every 2-3 years and an adult life where I was, at one time, moving every year, I got rid of a lot of stuff. The one exception is books. Mr. Misadventures and I are bookworms and you will quickly see our love for these objects in the images below!

We'll start on the ground floor. Our unit is in the back, cut off from the street, and is a little oasis with bamboo and Japanese maples. We have two terraces on the bottom floor, front, and back. This is the front (see the books in our entrance!).

2211_5thB front terrace

The back terrace is a little smaller but just as private (you can see it in the photo below). The first floor is our office and TV room. The floor is polished concrete (all our floors have radiant heating which is awesome in the winter!). There is a large sliding wall that can close off the office. The sofa is a sleeper couch for when we have guests.

2211_5thB office

On the second floor, you've got the kitchen, dining, and living space. Mr. Misadventures spends a lot of time here! He loves the kitchen, everything is Italian from Scavalini, and when we moved in, we custom-built a china cabinet and wine bar to match the kitchen cabinets. You can see the wine bar to the right in this photo.

We also ordered a round glass table from Florence that expands to sit from 4 to 8 people. Our house is rectangular and I wanted to offset it with a round table that was small enough for just the two of us, but that we could open when we entertain. We went to Florence a few months after buying the house and ordering the table and we actually stumbled upon the store where our table came from!

2211_5thB kitcheb

That splash of red is my beloved Nespresso maker!

You can see the custom-designed dish cabinet and part of the living room in this photo. The floors are Brazilian cherry. There is tons of natural light and we have special shades that block the heat from the sun when we get the rare hot days. The house is sustainably built so all the materials are eco-friendly and so easy to clean. Mr. Misadventures and I can clean the house on the weekends in 90 minutes teamed up from top to bottom.

2211_5thB living room

From the photo below you can see the stairs down to the office and the stairs up to the bedroom. Also…more books! It is about the only clutter we have. Without kids and a lot of knick-knacks, we are able to pull off the minimalist look very easily. I was worried that our real estate agent would say we needed to stage the house, but our design aesthetic and minimalist approach meant we didn't have to move everything out to stage, whew!

2211_5thB living room and stairs

These are the stairs that lead to the bedroom. I only show them so you can see what Jessica has to traverse every day when she decides to lay in the sun upstairs! Old lady legs and all, she makes it!


On the third floor is the master bedroom which includes a bathroom and walk-in closet (the office on the first floor is also considered a bedroom because of the sliding wall and closet).

2211_5thB bedroom

We have a terrace on this floor the full length of the bedroom perfect for lounging and reading a book or contemplating life with a cup of coffee.

2211_5thB deck

It's funny, when we took these photos for the listing website, I realized that 90% of our furniture comes from Room & Board. We are huge fans of this locally sourced, American-made furniture store based in the Midwest. Their furniture is extremely well made with quality materials and I have never had a complaint.

Their customer service is stellar! We are lucky enough to have a store in San Francisco and I love it! It’s funny, I think the delivery guys know us a little too well!

Getting their catalog is such a treat and Mr. Misadventures and I drool over it every time we get it.

That's a peek into our house(until it isn't!) hope you enjoyed it!

How about you, is there a particular brand or manufacturer that you gravitate toward in your own home?Save

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  1. Sandra Watts says:

    They have tons of great stuff. I really like their Jewel Bud Vases. They are colorful and pretty.

  2. Kara Marks says:

    I love their fruit tray! And your home is lovely, btw!

  3. Diana Ware Page says:

    I love their Vintage French School Map for wall decor, it and the German Apple Blossom piece would look good in my family room

  4. What a marvelous home, Andi! My favorite Room & Board accessory are definitely Float Box Wall Shelves.

  5. Your home is so stunning! I can’t get over those Brazilian cherry floors. It’s funny how the military makes you minimalist… I’m very similar that way, though I’m drawn to more of a cozy library feel — minus too many knick knacks. So we agree on books as well! I’ve never seen an expandable glass-top table before — how does it expand??

  6. Kristen from The Road to Domestication says:

    SO posh! I really LOVE the light you have there, too! Good luck with the sale!

  7. I’m always curious what other people’s homes look like inside! I love books and they are all over the place in my home. (No, you may not see inside my house … full of kid messes!)

  8. That Brazilian Cherry floor is beautiful. That looks like a really nice place to stay at.

  9. I think the steel storage drawers look useful.

  10. Kelly @ TastingPage says:

    What a beautiful home you have. I love the open floor plan and how bright it is. Oh, that kitchen! I could see many uses for those beautiful trays – so much food would look so beautiful on them!

  11. Chelley @ A is For Adelaide says:

    Your home is amazing!!! What a fabulous city! And those trays are great!

  12. Heart of a Philanthropist Blogger Kim says:

    Our house is about to be on the market too. Your home is beautiful! I love all the wood. Sorry you are selling but I pray it is something that will bring you blessings. I really like Room and Board’s accent pillows. I hadn’t heard of them until this post.

  13. Beth@FrugalFroggie says:

    Good luck on selling the house.

  14. Briana Carter says:

    What a beautiful home! I love the deck!

  15. I love all their mirrors.

  16. Diana Vuong says:

    I couldn’t just pick a favorite Room & Board accessory. I just love everything. I wish I could redecorate with new accessories that are more affordable!

  17. I love the way you have decorated your home. I love minimalist styles and large windows. If I had the means and lived close, I would have purchased your lovely home myself.

  18. I love the way you furnished your home–and imo you can never have too many books!! I will have to go look at the furniture site-from looking at your furnishings I know I would love to have a piece or two.

  19. Debbie Denny says:

    I am going to have to see if there is a store near me. I love your house. Beautiful

  20. Your home is beautiful! I agree having books – a lot of them – is one thing I have a difficult time not getting out of the house. (My hubby says I have too many…at times I feel I don’t have enough!) I hadn’t heard of Room&Board before your post. I like the Kori Storage Bins. ~Adrienne

    1. I want your round table! (Just watched video on your Realtor’s site.) How cool!

      1. Andi Fisher says:

        @Adrienne, thanks! I think it is pretty unique, I haven’t seen another like it.

  21. The barrel know would be a good accessory.

  22. Melissa S says:

    I would love to have the large Case Study planter with the walnut stand. I would love one each of black and white.

  23. Bobbie Anne Munsey says:

    I love the Kori storage bins. We have been on task organizing and decluttering, so those bins would definitely come in handy.

  24. Such a nice home and lots of space. Very modern as well.

  25. Rachel Mouton says:

    The interior is so modern and sleek! I love it 🙂

  26. Your home is beautiful. I with you lots of success in the sale and the new adventures that are in front of you.

  27. The home is so lovely I hope it does well for you on the market

  28. Robin Masshole mommy says:

    I love the modern look of it. We do t see any house like that here in old New England.

  29. tara pittman says:

    Very nice house that you have. I just love that staircase!

  30. Chelsey L. says:

    I love the Carter Swivel Glider Chair & Ottoman!!

  31. Claudette says:

    Lovely home and all the best with the sale! Here’s knowing you will find an equally lovely new space!

  32. Your home is very spacious and I love that you chose a modern design. It looks so clean and classy!

  33. colleen long says:

    I love the Callisto Vases.

  34. Elizabeth O. says:

    You have such a lovely home. I wish you didn’t have to let it go! Anyway, I hope whoever gets to buy it will take care of it just like you have.

  35. Gail Akeman says:

    So Modern, and cool of a place to be.

  36. Wow. How stunning. I wish I could live in a place like this. Sadly with 6 kids it just won’t happen, maybe someday!

  37. I’d love the horizon plaid throw!

  38. Shann Eva says:

    Your home is beautiful. I love how modern and sleek it is. I also love how you’ve used the space. Wish I was in the market! 🙂

  39. My favorite R&B accessory is the loft mirror with shelf. I love how mirrors open up a space and make it feel lighter.
    Your house is amazing; I’d move there in a heartbeat!

  40. Italia Caruso says:

    Your home is very lovely! congratulation

  41. jenny stratton says:

    I love plants and the case study bowl planter with base

  42. Julie Waldron says:

    I like the Cable Weave Blanket.

  43. Jonathan Key says:

    Your home is absolutely gorgeous! I really like the modern look. I’d love to live in a place this.

  44. I love all the different pillows. The Ripple Pillows are my favorite!

  45. Lexie Lane says:

    That place looks peaceful and very neat. I love all decorations.

  46. June Ebinger says:


  47. I really like the jewel vases. The colors make me happy. 🙂

  48. The Callisto Vases are beautiful!

  49. I like all of the blankets and throws!

  50. Stephanie C. says:

    I love the Lind Cowhide Ottomans. It is so unique in the pattern and would look perfect in our rec room in the basement. Thanks for the chance to win!

  51. Jennifer Scheldberg says:

    The Horizon Plaid throw looks so comfy with the cooler temps coming.

  52. Annamarie V says:

    I love the Anya nesting bowls and the Haven Ombre throw.

  53. What a lovely home! I too am big on books! Cute tray set from Room & Board!

  54. Life as a Convert says:

    I am loving that flooring and the staircase. So beautiful!

  55. Deborah Caudill says:

    I just can’t choose a favorite item. I love your benches, shelves and the organizational pieces, as well as your window treatments. I like your vases and artwork. I love your bed linens and pillows, but adore all of your fabrics and rugs. I live in North Carolina and we are proud the trays are made here!

  56. Definitely the wall art. Thanks for sharing! 🙂

  57. Andi, I am in love with your place! I totally love your Nordic decorating sensibilities and especially love that you fold your comforters European style.

  58. Ellen Casper says:

    I love the Callisto Bowl

  59. I like the Thorn Multiple Wall Hooks.

  60. Crystal S says:

    Their cable weave blanket looks so cozy!

  61. Oh my GOSH! You have SUCH a beautiful home!

  62. nicolette choice says:

    I have just remodeled my little old house and would love to pick up a red Cubby Bench for the front entryway!

  63. I love their throw pillows particularly the sheep skin pillows.

  64. Birdiebee says:

    My favorite Room and Board accessory are the Jewel Bud Vases. I have to tell you what a beautiful home you have and love how you have decorated it. Sometimes less is more and this is the case with your place. You have great taste.

  65. Faye Gates says:

    I love the trays, and I love the storage bins. I really love your place. Thanks for sharing. I bet you hate to move.

  66. The sateen sheets are just what I need to upgrade in our master bedroom.

  67. I really like the Chevron Weave Blanket from Room and Board!

  68. I really love the Grove Armoires.

  69. My favourite accessory is the Squire multiple wall hook and organizer!

  70. Shakeia Rieux says:

    My favorite is the Chevron Weave Blanket

  71. I love the Stainless Steel Tray.

  72. Marnie G (Derrick Todd) says:

    I really like the African Makenge Extra Large Grandmother Old Winnowing Basket.

  73. nicole bowers says:

    With cold Winter right around the corner, this single working mama of 3 would LOVE a Quilted Percale Coverlet to bundle up with my little ones!

  74. Leah Shumack says:

    I really love the benches the most but it’s all so very pretty!

  75. I really like this art:

  76. Adrianne B says:

    I adore the Natural Cowhide Pillows from Room and Board!

  77. I like the Andover Bench

  78. I like the steel storage drawers. They look perfect for under the bed storage.

  79. Melissa B. says:

    I like the Squire Multiple Wall Hook & Organizer.

  80. I love the Winslow bench. It is beautiful!

  81. Jessica Mcfarlin says:

    Case study planter

  82. I love the Eva Zeisel Upright Vases.

  83. amy tolley says:

    I love Draper 20w 20h Pillow

  84. Tammy Horn says:

    Gorgeous, beautiful home. My favorite accessory would be the Kori storage bins.

  85. Jennifer Clay says:

    I would really like to have one of the memo magnetic boards.

  86. My favorite Room & Board accessory is the Kori Storage Bin
    Thank You for the chance

  87. float Box Wall Shelves.

  88. anne perry says:

    I like the Loft Round Mirror

  89. Galbraith & Paul Dot Pillows would look great on my sofa.

  90. Nancy Loring says:

    My favorite accessory is the Horizon Plaid throw. Now the nights sre getting colder a nice throw is just what I need.

  91. Leigh Anne Borders says:

    I would love a Horizon solid throw. Those are very pretty.

  92. I love the courier magazine sling

  93. I love the Montego outdoor chaise looks so chic..

  94. Id love to have the Agenda Magnetic Board. These trays are so cool. Your house is beautiful. Thank you for the chance 🙂

  95. Wow, I’m in love with this!

  96. As an aspiring Architect I want to just design structures like these, not necessarily live in them, I want to just design for other people to make them happy.