
RV Travels: Weekly Wanderings #9 – Gold Canyon


I'm writing you from Irvine where the 2016 Women in Travel Summit is kicking off tonight. I am speaking on Sunday, so send me good thoughts! It's great to be around other bloggers in person and I look forward to the opportunity to meet some of my own blogging pals, network and learn. You are never done learning!

Mr. Misadventures and I spent our last week in Arizona running errands and prepping for the next ten weeks on the road. I did take Tuesday “off” to go on a really fun cruise. The Dolly Cruise is a 90-minute boat ride on Canyon Lake along the Apache Trail. We spotted 4 eagles and a family of 20 bighorn sheep!

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Afterward, we drove the entire Apache Trail which was a total thrill! I'll be writing a post about the things you can do on that route.

The days here in Gold Canyon have been way too hot for us and we live for the mornings and evenings, in between, we hide in the RV with the AC running which I absolutely hate. We are heading to Bryce Canyon where the latest temps have been 40-50's – that is like a 30-40 degree difference! That is so much better for hiking.

We'll be in Utah for the next couple of weeks, then a stop in Colorado before heading to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone.

That’s it for this week! Happy escaping! Follow me on Instagram for real-time activities from Bryce Canyon!

What have you been up to?

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  1. clojo9372 says:

    WOW! I have never seen an eagle before not even in the zoo. They are such majestic birds.. I would love to see them even if it’s at a distance. Oh, I am so jealous of you! 🙂

  2. Olivine Eyes says:

    I’d say the heat is worth it to go to a national park. Those eagles and bighorn sheep are worth the trip by itself.