Misadventures in France 2010 – The Preview

Tomorrow starts the trip report from my latest trip to France. This was our one and only trip to France this year so we wanted to make it very special. Our intent was to discover more of France (not just Paris) by tackling its numerous regions bit by bit.

With fifteen days we had plenty of time to see a few spots as well as an opportunity to cap off our trip in Paris. We decided to split it between Normandy and the upper part of Brittany and then head to the Loire Valley on our way back to Paris.

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In the end, our trip looked like this:

I have plenty to tell and it all starts tomorrow!

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  1. Did you go to Tours, or just nearby? I love Tours 🙂 I lived there for about a month in 2008 before moving to Paris.

    1. @Amanda, we drove all around it during our two days in Loire, but did not spend too much time there.

  2. Wow, that is a very ambitious itinerary! My husband & I just returned from our fourth trip to France. This year we spent one week in a Val de Loire farmhouse (near the village of Chittenay outside of Blois) and one week in Paris in an apartment on the 7th. Cannot wait to go back!

    1. @Andy, love Blois and that region. Happy to return often and discover new corners of France!