
Currently November 2018

Currently | 11.20.18

Watching | A little bit of this and that
> My mother-in-law is visiting for the month, so we are grounded when it comes to going out to the movies, so we'll catch up on those after Thanksgiving, but there is plenty of good stuff on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime…We have watched Outlaw King (story short but needed more development, Chris Pine was terrible); Extinction (loved, wished it was a series instead of a movie); Bodyguard (really liked a lot); and The 12th Man, which I HIGHLY recommend if you like stories about WWII. It is unusual to get stories about other countries (other than UK, France, Germany, etc. that we see in American films) this one taking place and about Norway.

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Currently November 2018

Reading | Leverage in Death
> The 58th title from JD Robb, I love this detective series and I never get tired of reading the exploits of Detective Eve Dallas! I did finish Heads in Beds and learned quite a bit about the inner workings of the front desk and back office in luxury hotels! My only question is whether it applies to international hotels or just American?

Working On | Paris for First Timers
> For maybe the 20th time I just wrote a Paris guide for friends/acquaintances visiting my favorite city for the first time. They are usually a stream on consciousness, just getting down my tips and tricks, but after writing close to 3000 words on the topic, I said to myself, “well this is dumb, you should just write a blog post!” I never said I was brilliant! But, that blog post will be making an appearance on Misadventures with Andi soon!

Feeling |  Overwhelmed
> I think a lot of people feel this during the holidays, unfortunately, my feelings can't be attributed to Thanksgiving, Christmas or the impending New Year. I've just got a lot of self-imposed projects and campaigns going on above and beyond work. It is also the busiest time of year for my day job, so I'm definitely not catching my breath any time soon. Add having a house guest for a month (one that doesn't speak English therefore very independent on us) and there has been no time to get caught up!

Planning |  Blogging Event
> With the help of Liz of Cactus Fox Photography and Mandy of The Real Housewife of Scottsdale, I am hosting a blogger/photographer event at Mountain Shadows Resort. It is testing out a scaled-down version of the Catch Me At the Luxe event I went to in April, but I am hoping it will continue to grow into bigger events!

Loving |  Getting in front of the camera

> Okay, maybe “loving” is a strong word, but in the month of November I've done 4 photo shoots, so let's say I'm getting comfortable! I'm hoping that Mr. Misadventures and I can do more shoots together in the future as well! I've also been testing out a Sony Cybershot point and shoot camera (I gave up on DSLR) and I think I am going to pick one up as I think I can master it in the way I was getting good at the Canon G11-14 that I used to own.

My Favorite Photo | Thanksgiving tee

I'm not one for holidays, although I am always up for a good cause, and this time of year can be particularly crazy, but I do think it is important to give thanks. I am thankful for my hubby, my new low-stress life in Arizona, my new low carb lifestyle and for the blogging community that has been a constant source of support and inspiration, and maybe a little consternation! T-shirts are kind of my new life, my new uniform these days in the Southwest and I love finding fun graphic tees.

That's my month, what's CURRENTLY going on with you?

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Currently November 2018

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  1. I just started watching This is Us again. Also, Outlander is back. I love that show, and I think I’ll give the books another try too.

  2. I’ve heard amazing things about the bodyguard! Gonna check some of this other stuff out

  3. I don’t have a lot of time for TV so thanks for the update on what to watch. I think I would like Bodyguard. Having a house guest for a month can be challenging! You look great in front of the camera…love the tee!

  4. Eileen Mendoza Loya says:

    I recently started watching Asian soaps (Korean, Chinese, Japanese). OMG, am I hooked on them! There are English subtitles so non-native speakers can understand. I binge watch during weekends and I am so looking forward to Saturday so I can watch a new one.

  5. The blogging event sounds super good. I’m so glad you are enjoying being in front of the camera. It is wonderful how different experiences can be so empowering.

  6. We have been watching Hallmark Christmas movies. Yes, they are corny, sappy and usually have the same plotline, but the ending is always happy. After a year of heartache, heartbreak and a heart attack it was just what the doctor ordered.

  7. I have tried to watch the Outlaw King a couple times now and I just can’t get through it. But I am a bit stressed out right now so I think I need to give it a go again when I relax.

  8. Okay, so I just finished the Bodyguard and I loved it. Truth be told though, it was seriously intense! There were certain scenes that made me anxious. TOTALLY worth watching.

  9. You blogging event sounds amazing! Wishing you the very best of luck.