Pima Air & Space Museum
A awesome thing to do in Tucson Arizona or even a day trip from Phoenix!
Pima Air & Space Museum, the largest privately funded air museum in
the world with over 300 airplanes on 80 acres of land.
I have to admit I had a lot of fun taking photos of the different instructions around the planes!
When’s the last time you had this view?
I am fascinated by the early commercial flights, the legends being PanAm and TWA.
It is so cool to walk and sit under the planes, look into the propellers and get so close.
We were able to photograph awesome details that we generally aren’t able to get because of museum barriers. Like propellers.
And noses.
While we were out walking the grounds getting lost in all the planes, the jet pilots at the Davis-Monthan Air Force Base were taking off.
After your visit, when you are ready to head home, I highly recommend seeking out Tucson Tamales just down the road.
Pima Air & Space Museum
Visit the blog to check out the largest privately funded air museum in the world with over 300 airplanes on 80 acres of land. A great activity to do in Tucson, AZ!